A lot of people want to know if they can lose weight using Total Gym. The answer is yes.
Total Gym simultaneously builds muscle while giving you a cardiovascular workout. Both of these activities will help you lose weight.
The more muscle you have on your body, the more you will burn fat. It’s pretty straightforward math. Many women are very concerned about adding muscle to their bodies for fear it will cause them to gain weight. While this is a legitimate concern, we recommend you don’t preoccupy about this too much. Using Total Gym will not make you bulky.
It’s much more likely to give you a slim, toned look. Pete Sisco, an internationally renowned weight lifting and fitness expert says in his-book "Static Contraction":
“Many women have a latent
fear of building muscle. They worry they will get “bulky” or “muscle bound” if they do workouts engineered to gain muscle. Most people, men and women, who visit a gym say they just want to lose fat and tone up. Those are the two terms I hear most often.
The fact is, adding a little more muscle to your frame accomplishes both objectives of fat loss and “toning up”! And gaining muscle has long term benefits that aerobic training can’t match.
Muscle is considered “active tissue” because it requires energy to sustain itself. That’s great news...because that energy comes from burning calories 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! Every pound of muscle you add burns up to 60 calories per day. Every day! “
As a cardio tool, Total Gym also contributes to overall weight loss by simply getting your heart rate up- especially if you do lots of consistent exercises without long rest periods in between. Think Elliptical Machine or Stairmaster, only you’re working out your entire body at the same time.
Will The Total Gym Help Me Burn Fat?
It is obvious to most people that if you work your muscles or just move you will burn calories. What is less obvious to most people that different modes of exercise really do effect how much fat you will burn during an exercise.
When you exercise you are either in Fat Burning or Sugar Burning mode. You get into fat burning mode through slow steady exercise. You burn sugar when you engage in intense exercise. Our bodies developed this way because "back in the day" humans walked a ton. Our stores of fat helped fuel these walks, as well as get us through lean times. Our sugar stores were available when we needed to run from danger. This is commonly known as the "fight or flight" mechanism.
This is a critically important concept because our bodies only store about 2500 sugar calories. Yet we store well over 100,000 fat calories. How does relate to the Total Gym? Well, the Total Gym is an ideal tool to help you exercise in fat burning mode.
It is capable of very gentle, easy to do exercise. If you set the incline low, and do some gentle exercise, you'll get your body into the mode where you start to access the energy available in your fat stores.
What is interesting is that one can also get a very intense workout using the Total Gym.
It is very easy to raise the incline. And you don't always want to exercise in fat burning mode. Sometimes you do definitely want to crank things up and engage the muscle. We have used the Total Gym for 2 years now, and find it a very useful tool to have in the house.
Total Gym Is Ideal For Exercising The Shoulder Muscles and Upper Body Muscles
Another very interesting thing we have learned is that ones shoulder muscles are small, and hard to exercise. Yet when you do exercise them, it can really help to bring your overall body into balance. We tend to exercise our core and lower body just by walking. Very few of us use our upper bodies in any meaningful way on a regular basis.
Yet when the time comes to use our upper bodies, often the strength is not there. Some simple incline exercises
on the Total Gym can very effectively isolate your shoulder muscles.
How To Get The Best Price On The Total Gym?
If you click on the coupon link below before you go to their site, you'll get that discount on top of whatever discount they are currently offering. The top of the line Total Gym XLS has a list price of around $1800. If see the price near $1000 on their site, you are getting a good deal. If you are getting 10% discount on top of this, you are getting an even better deal.
We strongly recommend this product- you will be using it for years and years if you place it somewhere that you'll see it. If you see it, you'll use it.
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