We recently did a live call with Dr. Joel Fuhrman, and he was explaining the importance of micronutrients in fruits and vegetables. Very convincing stuff. But what people don't know is that many of the really good nutrients in food are trapped inside the cell walls of plants. And chewing only "bursts" a small percentage of this stuff.
Dr. Fuhrman mentioned that he uses a Vita-Mix in his own house. We did some research on the internet, because this is an expensive product. You can buy a new on directly from Vitamix for $450, or you can get one for $346 from Amazon.
Find The Lowest Price Vitamix On Amazon
What We Learned- The Vita-Mix Is The Best Product On The Market With A Rock Solid Reputation
The basic value proposition is that the Vita-Mix is an insanely powerful machine, and it is able to burst open the cell walls in a way that neither chewing or regular blending or juicing can. They even did a study last year where the University of Toronto used an electron microscope to analyze the difference between chewed and blended plants and plants processed through the Vita-Mix.
You Don't Want To Buy A Traditional Juicer
The Vita-Mix machine is in a category by itself when it comes to juicing. Traditional juicers simply rip out some of the best stuff. This is from a quote on the Vita-Mix website:
"The Vita-Mix doesn't throw out the most nutritious part of fruits and vegetables. My knowledge of the healing nutrients and fibers contained in the pulp of fruits and vegetables would never allow me to use any juicer that discards this precious pulp."
John Heinerman, Ph. D.
Author of "Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Juices"
The Bottom Line
At PEERtrainer we seek to identify the most proven ways to improve your fitness and health and help you lose weight. Everything we advocate is based in fundamentals. We have become advocates of the incredible importance of fruits and vegetables over the years, and now we are advocating this particular product.
Find The Lowest Price Vitamix On Amazon
Years ago I hesitated because of the money, but went ahead to buy it. I am glad I made the investment because of the reliablility, quality, and convenience. Love this product. Use it almost every day to make smoothies, etc. Especially now with Peertrainer in my life!
It also makes a great ground flour for good whole grain bread!
Posted by: Gayle | 04/07/2011 at 11:19 AM
How much people use a Vita-Mix...hmm, maybe better to live healthy and to eat more healthy food?
Posted by: Okeana | 02/14/2011 at 08:33 AM
I bougth a Vita-Mix, it is very helphul for me. I'm thing to buy it for my sister as present.
Posted by: Riveja | 12/13/2010 at 10:09 AM
I agree! It good for me!
Posted by: KarateKariai.lt | 11/28/2010 at 05:36 AM
We have a Vita-Mix and make delicious smoothies. I also use it to create flour from oatmeal and use that to make fresh pancakes & waffles. It's wonderful!
Posted by: skelbimai | 11/11/2010 at 09:17 AM
we have Vita-Mix too. I think it's great. I'm planing to buy it to my mother
Posted by: Ginekologijos Klinikos | 09/26/2010 at 03:38 AM
this seems to make sense-it is hard to chew vegetables thoroughly.
Posted by: neophyte | 08/07/2010 at 07:46 AM
We have a Vita-Mix and make delicious smoothies. I also use it to create flour from oatmeal and use that to make fresh pancakes & waffles. It's wonderful!
Posted by: judy | 10/04/2009 at 11:35 AM