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Will Reducing Wheat Intake Help Beat Type 2 Diabetes?

We have started to look at a new book that we were sent called "The Weight Loss Plan For Beating Diabetes" by Dr Frederic Vagnini. (Dr V for those of you who listen to WOR in NYC)

In general the book gives advice that is both grounded in the reality of how people live their lives, but also explores some interesting ideas that you might not have come across in your search to combat Type 2 Diabetes.
A good example of this is in one of his "general guidelines" when following his meal plans:

"I recommend limiting or even omitting wheat products altogether. Wheat is a very common allergen that in my experience is a major block to weight loss. In addition, wheat and its proteins, gluten and gliadin, are highly inflammatory, causing tissue damage and immune challenges and further contributing to weight struggles."

His book goes on to identify a whole range of alternatives. The meal plans he outlines are excellent because they are very "doable" recipes that are likely to help you feel full. They all feature "nutrient dense" foods like spinach, broccoli, grapefruit, green beans. And they also feature proteins and carbs. The reason we mention this is that there are those who advocate a very high plant nutrient, low animal protein diet. Even if this is some place that you end up, the meals that Dr V. outlines are an excellent first step.

Our role at PEERtrainer is to serve as "observers" of health trends. We look at the work of lots of MD's and also get to see how thousands of people react to and use that advice. From the perspective of the people we interact with, reducing or eliminating wheat (and dairy for many) has been beneficial.

From the perspective of the front line Doctors and researchers, there are more and more voices that strongly suggest that people take a look at the role of wheat and their personal health. There is a ton of research out there, but the above quote by Dr V. really summarizes the broad effect of wheat on health.

In general, it is clear that this book is written by a Doctor who is very patient-centric. Meaning he talks to you, not at you, and approaches his advice from the perspective of someone who is deeply familiar with the real life challenges that people face in their life. 

We were sent a copy of this book by a firm promoting it, with the hopes that we write about it or promote it in some way. We should note that we get sent many many books to review, and we end up pointing people to a small number of them. We observe that this book could be a useful tool to help you in your fight with Type 2 Diabetes. Here is the Amazon link if you want to buy it. (We get a tiny commission if you buy through this link, and that is the extent of the "endorsement.")


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I have a diagnosed allergy to wheat/gluten products. I don't have diabetes but my husband does. I've been gradually weaning him and my family from wheat based products. It is challenging but I think it will improve his health like it has mine. No more migraines or stomach problems.

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