Here's the recipe for a Pumpkin Pie Smoothie from Wendy Solganik of Healthy Girls Kitchen.
She has been doing the PEERtrainer Fresh Start Cleanse and going crazy with some creative and TASTY shake recipes!
1/2 cup pure pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
scoop of Vanilla Thorne powder
1/2 Tbsp flaxmeal
1 cup unsweetended Coconut Milk in the grocery aisle. (So Delicious is our preferred brand)
1/2 scoop medibulk
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice 6 ice cubes
Placed all ingredients into my Vitamix at once and blended for about 30 seconds.
Thanks for the recipe Wendy! Very tasty way to start the day.
PEERtrainer recommends the Thorne pea/rice shakes becuase they are plant-based and free of all sorts of junk that other protein powders have. If you have not yet made the switch, please do!