Super easy watermelon sorbet with no sugar added! Easy and very inexpensive to make.
Simply freeze chunks of watermelon overnight then puree with a high powered blender. Add the juice of one lime if you like your sorbet sour. Top with a sprig of mint and raspberries and you have a delicious low-calorie dessert!
Watermelon is an interesting fruit. They are relatively low in calories for a fruit, with roughly 40-50 calories per one cup serving.
There are between 75 and 100 calories in the average slice of watermelon.
have a fairly good calorie to nutrient ratio. They are rich in Vitamin A
and C (like most fruit) and also contain some B vitamins which are
thought to be good for energy.
Watermelons also score well on Dr.
Fuhrman's system that factors how many nutrients there are per calorie.
Watermelons are rich is a substance called Lycopene, which has been
shown to be a powerful antioxidant.