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Get Motivated To Exercise: Free 14 Day Program With Easy Daily Workouts (and much more)

The new 14 Day Total Renew Program sets you on a track to get you feeling and looking great. The most popular part of the program so far has been the daily 5-10 minute exercises, which help you burn just enough glucose to trigger a magic process where you feel great and think better with micro-workouts.

This program was built around new research showing instant benefits to your brain when you use just 30% of your total exercise capacity. You'll get daily motivation to do something that makes you feel great almost instantly, with a small amount of effort.

Nearly everyone is able to successfully complete these workouts.  The program also features a more advanced strength training track which many people choose to do in addition to the smaller workouts.The program also features simple ways to target fat and improve skin health.

Sign Up For The PEERtrainer 14 Day Total Renew Program Here:

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