In our Tip Of The Day program I often show you what we do in our own life. Avocados are something that I have as a staple in my diet and life and I wanted to take a second to sort of outline in a very practical sense why I do this and how I do this. I will make sure to prepare some specific recipe ideas as well.
(After the introduction of the new PEERtrainer Cheat System, we have further refined this advice. A small amount of avocado, especially in a salad is tasty and also helps your body absorb the nutrients in the other ingredients in the salad. Most vegetables do not contain fat, yet they need some for optimal absorption of nutrients in the digestion process.)
Reasons To Eat Avocados
1. For me they are one of the most satisfying foods out there.
They are high in good fat, and they take the edge off when I feel like I could eat 5 large pizzas. For me, the edge is gone immediately
If I eat a normal size portion of pasta, and I cover it with butter and parmesean, it will take me three more servings like that to take the edge off that hunger feeling of wanting to eat everything in sight.
If I eat 1/2 of an avocado (or a tablespoon of peanut butter or cashew butter) it 100% takes the edge off so that I can make a healthier choice. I have found nothing to take the edge off. Especially after a workout.
2. They Make Food Taste Great
It is like putting sour cream or cheese sauce over everything you are eating for me. Anything you can think of that "this needs sour cream or cheese sauce" put avocado on it. Even a portion of vegetables. Put a portion of avocado and lemon juice over a plate of spinach and it tastes great.
Instead of eggs and cheese, have eggs and avocado. A block of cheese will never satisfy you like an avocado will.
3. Avocado Is A Transition And Replacement Food Into Your Thin Lifestyle
I used to use it to make the transition from cheese, sour cream and bacon, and now that I have transitioned into a healthier lifestyle it takes the edge off. But I found it a great transition food.
It helps you cope when you can't do the vegetable thing all the time. For me it has been a savior.
My 3 Rules For Eating Avocados
1. Never Eat Them Alone
Use them to make other healthy food taste good. If you don't like the taste of spinach, try the avocado and lemon. Like tomato sauce, they can make anything taste good. If you want a "satisfying salad" blend avocado into dijon mustard and lemon juice, throw a cup of beans in the mix and you have something that tastes great and really helps you feel full.
2. Always Squeeze Lemon Juice On Them
I make it a habit to always have lemons handy. For me, the combination of avocado and lemon really makes so many other foods taste good. It is also very quick and easy to prepare.
3. I only eat 1/2 avocado at a time.
There are 380
calories in a hass avocado or 6 weight watchers points. So don't go crazy and use half which is 3 points and 190 calories or so in the avocado. But
if you do go overboard know that Avocados are also an extremely healthy food and have been proven to help with your heart, overall health and also help fight breast cancer.
If you want some more "why" some specific health reasons, check out
WHFoods page on all the research that is showing benefit after benefit. We have a quick summary
here. They really are insanely good for you and really help you in the process of transitioning to a new lifestyle, something that is a huge focus for us in the
Tip of The Day and
Coaching programs.
In the current version of the
PEERtrainer Cheat System, your first 1/2 avocado is a free food. Important to note that we are always refining that document.
What Are Your Rules For Eating Avocado?
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I love avocado and usually put them in a chicken breast sandwich to substitute cheese.
Posted by: Pearl | December 04, 2010 at 10:15 PM
I don't understand why you can't eat them by themselves either.
Posted by: Crystal | March 14, 2010 at 11:41 AM
I love avocados and eat them regularly. I don't understand why you can't eat them alone or why you have to put lemon juice on them (though I do stick to eating only half). I sometimes scoop avocado right out of the shell and eat it straight off the spoon. Delicious and filling! If I need to preserve the color, I'll sprinkle it with lemon juice but if I'm eating it right then, I don't. I find lemon juice tends to overpower the avocado flavor.
Posted by: Andi | December 20, 2009 at 09:45 AM
Avacado is a great substitue for high calorie entree cravings. I cut up half an avocado and add it to chopped romaine lettuce, sliced strawberries, 1/2 cup cubed grilled chicken breast with fresh lemon squeezed on top. It is very filling and cuts the calories compared to steak and potatoes or pizza. It also makes your mind desire to maintain a healthy diet.
Posted by: Jennifer | October 27, 2009 at 03:29 PM
A friend gave me a great hint for removing the pit. Cut the avacado in half. Hold the half with the pit in one hand. With the blade of a large knife, whack the pit so the knife stays in. Twist the knive a quarter turn and the pit will pop right out.
Posted by: Mel | August 09, 2009 at 10:37 AM