This is a video I put together on emotional eating and some strategies and tips that I use to combat some of the everyday stresses or challenges that come up. This clip covers something I have written about previously on emotional eating on the PEERtrainer site.
For those of you who want to dive a little deeper into this subject, we have also written an article that explores a very sound, scientific strategy of working to put space between stimulus and response. Here is a section of that article that people have found both helpful and challenging:
"Our lives are a function of the decisions that we make. We as humans have the ability to control our responses to stimulus, which in our world often comes in the form of negative human interaction. Between the stimulus and response, there is a space. Some of us are born with a very large space, and some with a small space. But it is the use of that space that is important and with focus and self-awareness we can work to enlarge it.
As one works on this idea over time they can become more of function of their decisions rather than their conditions. The reality however, is that this can be difficult. A common cultural narrative illustrates how imbedded conditioning is in our psyche. It is often asked if we are a product of "nature or nurture"? According to Covey, this "very question itself is based on a false dichotomy. We are a product of neither nature or nurture; we are a product of choice, because there is always a space between stimulus and response."
I love anything related to exercise and health, so think of great benefit this blog. should do much more related to these topics. thanks!
Posted by: Holmes Place | October 26, 2010 at 08:51 AM