How To Remember To Drink More Water, How Much Water Should You Be Drinking? - PEERtrainer

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January 18, 2010


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we all know that it requires an around-the-clock assimilation of fresh, pure water to carry out the body’s work at the best level...another thing we must know is how much to drink it daily.

here are the water consumption online calculators:

I, too, am trying to drink more water (at least 64 oz. per day), and I've done quite well these past couple weeks.
Here's a great tip that has helped me - - drink a 16-oz. bottle of water FIRST thing in the morning. It helps "set the tone" for the day, and makes it easier to remember to drink more water throughout the day!

I sit in front of a computer all day, so I use Outlook to remind myself to drink water. I created a recurring weekday appointment and set the alarm for 8:00 a.m., when I start up Outlook, that's the first thing that pops up. I also attached a sound that sounds like rushing wind(it's called wind.wav on my computer) because it's a breeze to drink water (or take vitamins). If I haven't drunk 64 ounces of water that day I don't dismiss the appointment, I simply ask it to pop up an hour later. So I get hourly reminders to get in another 8 ounces or so by the end of the day I'm close to goal.

Deb in WI

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