I was at Starbucks the other day and ordered my favorite green tea which is Tazo Green Ginger. It turns out that they stopped carrying it and are now selling a higher end line of Tazo teas that don't include Green Ginger as a flavor. This prompted me to look for a replacement because I love the taste of ginger in green tea.
At home today, I realized that I could simply use actual ginger in my regular green tea. Which I did. I cut up a couple small cubes of ginger, pressed them with my palm and then tossed them in the cup alongside the tea bag.
After a few minutes, the fresh ginger really made its presence felt. It tasted great! If you think about it, ginger is used as a popular flavor. Ginger ale, ginger snaps, gingerbread etc. So why not go right to the source. It is cheap to buy, it can sit in your fridge forever and it has a strong refreshing flavor. If you like, you can add a very small amount of cane sugar to the tea. Presto, you have something that literally tastes like you are drinking a ginger snap cookie. At night you can simply make tea out of fresh ginger and experiment with your own flavors.
The Health Benefits Of Ginger
Ginger is also great for your health. It has properties that function as an anti-inflammatory and as an anti-oxidant. It is widely used to help calm down upset stomachs. Additionally, if you are experiencing pain in your knees or joints, research now shows that daily ginger consumption has been shown to reduce pain in a statistically significant way. There is also new research to show that ginger can kill cancer cells. Researchers are finding that when inflammation is decreased, cancer cells decrease.
How To Get The Benefits Of Green Tea Without Drinking Green Tea!!
You might also be interested to know that both ginger and green tea are key ingredients in one of the most clinically researched supplements on the market. This supplement is called zyflamend, made by a company called New Chapter which has a golden reputation. If you have learned the health benefits of green tea, and don't like drinking it, definitely check that out. It also includes an array of other herbs and spices which all work together to do great stuff.
For those of you following the PT Cheat System, we have you count coffee, even if there is no sugar or milk, but Green Tea is unlimited. We are considering adding some incentive for people to drink the green tea and fresh ginger combination. The health and energy benefits are simply overwhelming. Even if you go to the store, buy some fresh ginger and try it with your tea and don't like it, you'll likely find another use for it.
There are many ways to eat ginger. When I make a trip to the local Whole Foods juice bar, I make sure to add 1 ounce of raw ginger to my drink. It helps any green drink taste good and as we are learning, it is very good for you. You can also puree it and add it to soups, stews- really anything.
If you want to read a little more about what we are doing with the Cheat System, click here. This is a new healthy eating plan, with some interesting twists. What we are doing here is making it easy to pursue a diet that gives you energy, while making it easy and forgiving. The easy and forgiving is a big deal because so many people feel badly about themselves when they go off track or "Cheat." The use of the word cheat has been controversial, but what we are doing is turning a negative into a positive, or at a minimum reducing the disempowering connotation that people normally have with the word.
The system is also free.
To learn more about PEERtrainer, you can go to our homepage. The Cheat System is also part of a broader free weight loss program that we have put together over the years.
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Does Green Tea Help You Lose Weight (the answer is yes of course!)