You might have seen us add the book "The pH Miracle" to an earlier list of books that we were reading and thought you might be interested in. We have since dug in a little more in the last few months and are now of the opinion that this is a book that we insist you have on your bookshelf. There are two other books that have some focus on people who are very overweight or who have some form of diabetes. Regardless, the message will be the same.
You might see us do a review of a book from time to time, but you rarely see us literally pounding our fist on the table saying "you must check this out." The reason for this new enthusiasm is that both Jackie and I have had a chance to incorporate some of the ideas into our own diets. In my case, a couple of very small adjustments that I made as a result of reading this for the first time have me feeling better than I ever felt. Seriously.
A Caveat:
A lot of things that we show you are outside the mainstream. You are not going to go into a Weight Watchers meeting and be handed a copy of this book. There are a couple things written in the book that frankly are nuts. That said, 99% of what is presented is so valuable.
It is important to know that Robert Young, the author of the book, has pioneered this field. There are now many imitators, but like Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Young has a thriving clinical practice. This is important to note, because he sees the direct impact of his ideas every day.
Another important point is that these books and the advice presented is from the perspective of trying to help the sickest people. Folks with various forms of cancer visit Dr. Young's clinic, so keep that in mind as you read the book. A big takeaway for me is that this book gave me the "why" that I needed to quit coffee finally. I cut out coffee (and the sugar that I put in it) and replaced it with Green Tea. I also added a cucumber to my diet each day.
It is one of those books that you really want to read and absorb the message and argument. It might interest you that Jackie and I have also spoken to Dr. Young's team in depth because of their relationship with Stu Mittleman. They were extremely concerned about our idea of "Diet Fusion" and the risk that we "water down the message."
And we do to a certain extent. The thing is, PEERtrainer is a different context. People come to us for help making some long term adjustments in their life. People often go to Dr. Young's clinic with the hope of saving their life. Very different. Right now, beyond our initial conversations with his team we have no relationship. Despite their hostility to our approach, we have no problem strongly recommending these books.
I asked Dr. Fuhrman recently about this idea of acid alkaline, and he felt strongly that a nutrient dense diet high in greens and vegetables would provide sufficient alkalinity. He is probably right from a scientific standpoint, but from my experience the pH adjustments had a big impact. And I eat a more nutrient dense diet than 99% of people out there.
Very interesting stuff, especially the direct discussions and debates we are having. We get a chance to learn a lot and that is something I am very grateful for. I was out for a run yesterday, really feeling great and it just hit me how lucky I have been to be exposed to all these different ideas, mix them together, test them and then go right back to the authors to ask follow-up questions.
Anyway, get one of these books. They are all available in paperback, on Amazon for a few dollars. Really no excuse not to check it out.
*People are always telling you what to do, but what's right for them may not be right for you.
Posted by: Air Jordan Shoes | December 27, 2010 at 01:40 AM
Why quit coffee and why a cucumber a day?
Posted by: Tiffany | March 18, 2010 at 10:57 AM
Can you elaborate with one or 2 examples how the pH adjustments had a big impact even when on a nutrient dense diet? I'm just trying to figure out what it might do vs the nutritarian type thing.
I'll check the book out in the library but I am just wondering what you say specifically.
Posted by: Dorothy | February 26, 2010 at 11:15 AM