Easy Way To Eat Healthy: How To Prepare A Filling Healthy Meal In 2 Minutes - PEERtrainer

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May 07, 2010


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Another tip for using dried beans - I soak mine and then cook them in the crock pot. You can even let them cook overnight once you know how long a certain kind of beans will take in your particular slow cooker. This is great because you never have to add water or run the risk of sticking to the bottom of the pot and burning because you got busy doing something else! You can also freeze them either after soaking or after cooking to save time - just make sure you label them. (I tried to make hummus out of soaked-but-not-cooked beans once and what a disaster!)

Hmm. Okay. I had heard to wrap stuff in a damp paper towel. I should probably look into buying those debbie meyer green bags. There's no way I'm going to the grocery store every few days! LOL

Tiff, Every few days. They do stay fresh. But a great trick I learned is to wrap up your produce in paper towels and if you don't have room in your drawers, place back in the plastic bag you got them in from the store. They should be wrapped up in the paper towels and dry before you place in the bag.


How often do you buy greens? Do they stay fresh in that container? I find my crisper drawers are not big enough to hold all the produce I buy on a weekly basis.

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