One thing we keep hearing from people finishing the PONR program is that they wish it kept going. For the last 6 months we have been developing a "Phase 2" of the program based on the detailed feedback you have been giving us.
What Topics Are Discussed In Phase 2?
Phase 1 of the program was in many ways about really giving you a "map and compass" to increase your belief that permanent weight loss is a real possibility in your life. In this case the "map and compass" is a collection of all the tools we have seen really work in PEERtrainer over the last 6 years.
Many of them were time-tested, reliable diet suggestions. And other tools showed you how to change your thinking so you have an ever-increasing sense of control over your relationship to food. It also focused quite a bit on building a solid, patient, accepting relationship with yourself so you don't beat yourself up if you slip, and instead get yourself right back on track.
We loved building the program, and the positive response from you was amazing! Your feedback also provided such a great learning opportunity for us as well, and we kept refining it to make sure it was meeting your needs.
As time progressed and your feedback came in, we got so many great new ideas realized that we had only scratched the surface in terms of the tools and knowledge we wanted to share with you.
As a result, Phase 2 of the program was born!
For Phase 2, we really set out to create a learning experience that will change your life in a powerful way. You could say we really wanted to go deep and "pull out all the stops". We created something that is designed to make the changes that you made in Phase 1 permanent and deeply embedded. But more than that, we want to also present a formula for true life mastery and creating lasting happiness.
The key to this has been developing a streamlined system, where this information can be digested and understood in what we believe to be the easiest way possible.
As many of you know Joshua was trained as a therapist and has been doing what he calls "Personal Development Coaching" for the past 10 years. What you may not be as aware of is that for the past 20 years - since he was a teenager in fact - he has been tirelessly studying different approaches to personal development, spirituality, meditation and self-improvement. For phase 2, we asked him to "go into the vault" and share the best tools he has learned for helping people create the life they really want.
These are the tools people pay him as much as $600 for a 2 hour session and $1500/month for private coaching to learn. Of course this program is not meant as a substitute for therapy - and we would never say that it is - but the intention is to provide thousands of dollars of value for a very small amount of money.
This is what we set out to do in Phase 1 as well. We built something that literally delivers thousands of dollars of value to people who connect with the material. We don't say this at the outset, because very few people would believe us.
All we do say is, "hey, try this program for a month for a dollar and see if you like it."
(As an exercise, those of you who have made huge changes as a result of PONR, what amount of money would we need to pay you, to take that knowledge and experience away? If we paid you $10,000 for example, would you be willing to go back to the person that you were prior?)
In terms of specifics, here are some of the things we'll be covering in Phase 2. There is much more, but this is will give you a sense of where we are headed.
- How to uproot and eliminate the limiting beliefs and behaviors that hold you back.
- How to write the final chapter on your self-sabotage so you're free of the old habits that weigh you down.
- How to know what you really want in life - and how to believe you really deserve it.
- How to eliminate the excuses and procrastination that hold you back from taking action and getting what you want.
- How to live with a sense of purpose, commitment and excitement.
- How to feel deeply in control of your relationship to food - without being plagued by the fear that this is only temporary and a matter of time before things return to being a struggle.
- How to increase your energy throughout your day.
- How to not take things for granted in your life so you can experience a real sense of happiness today
This is the essence of what we are after here, and there will be more. Plus as the program proceeds we will be adding in new material and bonus material, just like we did in Phase 1.
Click Here To Start Phase 2 Of The Point Of No Return Program