What Is Your Portion Distortion Profile? - PEERtrainer

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May 03, 2010


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I grew up in a eat everything on your plate someone is starving in another country world.

Actually I do like to eat small portions, The problem comes in that I want to eat like that several times a day.

So true about the breastfeeding thing, my kids are teenagers and I'm just now getting a handle on my weight again! I've been using an iphone app to log my food and exercise, which has been really great and easy to use. I've been on a plateau for a few weeks, and I'm wondering if you recommend adding the amount of calories used during exercise every day. Sometimes it seems like a lot of extra food?

hello, i can't watch the video. can i get some help? thank you!

Combo of 3 and 4. I exercise at least a hour 6 - 7 days a week. I have been focusing on eating healthy and not paying too much attention to portion size. I know at some point I will hit a plateau and need to pay attention to how much of a good thing I can eat.

i never knew so i eats every thing

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