- Startling fact: many elite athletes is that they have lower life expectancy than the general population
- So how do you become fit while also being healthy? What are the consequences? After you watch the following video, you can read this PEERtrainer article on how to exercise in a way that is healthy for you. The article goes over Stu's advice in greater detail.
- This is the first of several videos where we are going to share with you. If you are new to PEERtrainer, it is important to communicate to you that what Stu is saying below is VERY different from what you will hear from your spinning instructor.
- We think his approach is both unique and very important, and relevant to ANYONE who is starting to become more active.
- Stu's view is that there ARE incorrect approaches to exercise and these can hurt you over the long term. The healthiest approach to exercise is the opposite of "no pain no gain."
- Stu also follows a diet that is similar to the ideas we outline in the new PEERtrainer Cheat System. It is a diet that is ideal for athletes, and you can download a PDF copy of the system from this link.