Weight Watchers Points Plus Program - PEERtrainer

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November 15, 2010


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I'm not sure why someone would think a person couldn't calculate their points for certain foods on their own as stated in the quote in this article.

Online there is a recipe builder, you just type in what you put in the recipe, the serving size, it calculates it for you? It has lists of foods, even foods from major restaurants,eateries, stuff you purchase in grocery stores all with point values.

You can even calculate somethings point value soley on the content listed on the nutritional label. Input things like fiber content, protein, carb...it gives you the point value after doing this for a few weeks you should be able to make a list of the point values you need?

You don't need the very inexpensive calculator to do that. I'm sure if you have their literature if you don't go the online route, you still have examples of the point values when you first sign up.

Of course they make money, do you want their employees to work for free?

I am interested in knowing what is involved to sign up for the online points plus. However,I need to hear from you regarding my question. I signed up for online a few years ago and never once was I able to speak with anyone - always got "our volume of call is too great try later. Will i receive the help I need. What is the cost.

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