This is a guest post by Jinny Ditzler, Co Founder of Best Year Yet.
Jinny is an expert at helping people get what they want, and the author of the very popular PEERtrainer article "How To Obliterate Your Limitations." In this article she suggests 5 "adjustments" one can make that are highly likely to help move you closer to what you want. There is no magic "secret" to getting what you want. You can't wish for something to happen. You need to take action. These suggestions will not only help you take action, they will get you to do things that most people do not do!
1. Give Everybody Else the Credit for Your Successes
What do the traits of the most successful Fortune 500 CEO’s have to do with helping you reach your goals?
The answer is everything!
In the book “Good To Great," best selling business author Jim Collins revealed characteristics that the most successful CEO’s shared. (These are the guys who outperformed the S&P on a consistent basis and had a long tenure in one of the most high-pressure jobs out there).
The single most important trait was a habit of relentlessly giving others credit for success. This is a powerful adjustment.
When you get in this paradigm, you become more forgiving, you react much better to external “crap”- this is a shortcut to self-mastery. What is interesting is how RARE this trait is. If you make this adjustment and you are highly likely to alter the path of your life.
2. Look Forward To Making Some New Mistakes.
This might seem obvious, but for so many of us coming off the weight loss or health improvement track, we have the mindset of “avoiding” mistakes. In eating, mistakes are what set you back or get you off track. When you are in the process of mastering other personal objectives, you have to TURN THIS MINDSET ON ITS HEAD.
Mistakes mean you are trying new things and you need to embrace mistakes because you learn from them.
Don’t keep making the same mistakes over and over again! This is one of the things that makes the US so powerful. No other country has a culture that is so forgiving of mistakes. We are a “dust yourself off” culture. You want to tap into that power! And if you are reading this from another country, you too can get a major leg up on your competition by embracing this paradigm.
3. Express new beliefs in the present tense – the future never gets here.
This is another adjustment that might seem a little new. We are so used to saying and thinking that “I am GOING to do something, GOING to meet some goal, WILL make that happen.” But if you really focus on expressing your paradigms and beliefs in the present tense, you’ll start to experience the joy right away! The benefits of this adjustment are so big one could write a book on them.
The most important benefit is immediate motivation. You give your mind a taste of success, and it will NEVER let that go. You could even go flat broke, but you’ll have that mental map to get right back to where you KNOW HOW to be. Imagine what happens when you start thinking that “I AM a master at achieving my goals!”
4. Focus on "How To Be" Goals Before "What I Want" Goals
This is a biggie....
The dirty secret of goal setting is that some goals are MORE EQUAL than others. You will find that you first need to master the “how to BE” goals before you will meet your “what I want” goals. This is the unwritten code of the universe—once you learn the “rules of the road”, the keys to limitless possibility are handed to you. You already know how to do this, you just need to do a little planning, and provide some structure to your plan.
5. Would You Watch A Sporting Event Where There Was No Score?
This one is so obvious, but HARDLY ANYONE makes this adjustment. Can you imagine going to a game with NO scoreboard --- you just watch guys running around for a while, and then they stop, and you go home! Not only BORING, but absolutely pointless. But isn’t that the way most of us act about our most important goals – the things that matter most deeply to us?
Even if we know what our top goals are, we just run around hoping for the best and never know how we’re doing in the GAME OF LIFE. You have NO idea how powerful it is to have goals and then SCORE how you’re doing along the way – and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, at the end of the game. All you need is a way to SCORE your progress – and then MOTIVATE yourself by celebrating the RESULTS along the way.
(To learn more about the Best Year yet system, and why it is likely to help you get what you want, click here.)
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