Have You Decided That You Don't Want To Live Past Your 70's? - PEERtrainer

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July 09, 2011


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I think Gil is right. I see it in my husband. I have made the change, my diet is a work in progress and it is getting better all the time. I eat a high volume of raw vegetables, I start my day with a green smoothie almost everyday. I am a very healthy, very active 58 year old and my husband will comment on how good I am doing while he sits there eating ice cream and potato chips, lots of beef and highly processed foods and often complains about how he doesn't feel well and it "sucks' getting old.

While I don't want to live into my 90s, I do want to have a quality lifestyle while I'm alive, and that includes eating healthful food and exercising. I would not want to be taking a bunch of pills and tied to the house in my 60s or 70s. Exercising an hour a day doesn't sound too much, especially when you're retired.

I just watched a documentary recommended to me on Netflix the other day entitled "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"--it showcases the journey of a man who adopts a strict juice fast for 2 months (under Dr. Fuhrman's guidance no less). When the man travels across the U.S. with his juicer in tow, he asks everyone he encounters about their diets, and more specifically, "If you knew adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet would help you live longer, would you do it?" I was shocked to see how many people said "No", usually expressing preference for what you called "the path of least resistance". WHOA! After witnessing the film's host undergo a complete transformation and THEN help a morbidly obese truck driver do the same, with astounding results, I can't imagine living (and eating) another way.

After reading the blog again and the comments, I really see this interview response as a great example of what was talked about in the Point of No Return Program as a motivating factor. A movie stars motivating factor is a 10 million dollar movie deal. Those of us that are not movie stars need to find our own motivating factor and a healthy end of life may be it. This past year I saw a friend that I had not seen in two years. She had always struggled to lose the last 30 pounds. Yet, she was at her ideal weight. I asked her how she did it. She followed the Core Plan with WW, but more importantly found her motivating factor to stick with the plan. She is near 40 and not married and does not have any kids. She is unsure if she wants kids, but realized that if she didn't do something to prevent a negative spiral of her health then her nieces would be her caretakers during her older years. This is not how she wants to spend her golden years and that motivating factor helped her realize why she wants to be healthy!

It IS a quality of life issue for me. I must work, therefore I must maintain my body and my mind. There are homeless people in wheelchairs and I do not want to be one of those. There was a couple up here who committed suicide together because health & financial issues made them feel that was the right choice. You can always give up, but you need to have your independence and clarity of mind to be able to make choices.

Someone said, "Nothing tastes as good as healthy (slim/trim/fit) feels." Two years ago, I discovered the journey to health. I was 80 pounds heavier than now, I was a "see-food" dieter and had the "why deprive myself" attitude. Then "chest pains" and nitro pills at age 56--MD said, change or accept that your health and ailments just keep getting worse and the picture wasn't pretty. "CR" or "Caloric Restriction" my internist said...she was "spot on." So, I was a person "sure" I'd never be a vegan, but am now just that. "Huh?" I just started out by cutting down on so much meat, especially with sauces, felt better. Continued the same. Being a curious type and willing to "experiment" I read about whey protein being complete--hmmmmmm I thought, you really "don't" have to eat meat? So, I went there. Meals consisted of steamed veggies and raw salads--experimented with different flavors of "vinegars" used lemon and lime juice on foods. So today, my diet is "whey protein" smoothies, various steamed veggies and raw salads. I have eaten some meat from time to time, even felt a craving for it--but after eating it, I "felt" bad (stomach upset) but mostly just a very "sleepy" and dragging around, sapped of energy feeling--bingo--a new vision and view of life happens. Fewer colds, flu, I breath better, feel more rested when I sleep and get better sleep. More get up and go energy to do what I want to do. Quality and I suppose the potential for quantity of life is better and the future more hopeful. Most of my relative lived into their late 80's and early 90's. Could I live even longer? Recent things I've read suggests the "genetic clock" (a concept called the "epi-genome")is not necessarily "set" and "especially" our diet and exercise contribute to this. So, my conclusion, well it's not "bad" you don't do what I do, but for me "better!" and very pleased I have found the CR process of eating--variety of many types of veggies, steamed and raw, occasional broiled fish. The whey smoothies suffice for my worst habit--ice cream. And, yes, I do not eat sweets of any kind, at all, anymore--one big step forward in the "feeling" better health for me. The American life-style diet is killing us and it makes our ending years full of health challenges. I'd recommend "trying" it--less meat to none at all and you may be very surprised--I was, and wish I could just "beam over" the will power to others. Well, will power is really now "preference power" and I am happier in life. Exercise--I follow a "Take the stairs" strategy and you wind up "discovering" there are "stairs" everywhere. So, no gym expense and extra time sweating to "the oldies" etc. Hope you can find "a way" to your "new now." It is worth it.

I don't agree with Gil. A lot of people eat the way they do because that is how they were raised and know no differently. My younger daughter is a chef and she commented recently that she is glad that she was raised with real food and not junk.

Even most modern recipes have for ingredients a can of this or a package of that. Very few have basic food stuffs.

wow!I have been a yoyo dieter for years and never really had long range success. YES, I do want to live a healthy, active life, however I must make the most of where I am
now and learn this method. Years of bad choices and health issues can't be totally
erased, but I can make the most of what I have left. So glad to happen upon DR. Furhman's plan and Peertrainer.

I agree with the other posters that there's more involved in longevity than weight or healthy habits. There are many carcinogens and toxins in our daily lves we may have no control over. But I don't think it's healthy attitude to be afraid of dying early either. For me getting fit is about enjoying the moment, not living forever. It's true though, I don't look forward to many 'declining' years because of how the elderly are treated and how difficult it may be finding a way to support myself into my 90's with lower wage jobs than my parents had which I know for a fact most of my generation is facing.

Of course I want to be healthy and live as long as possible! I'm 64 and I guess I'm in pretty much denial about dying. I realize it'll happen one day but I do all I can to stay mentally and physically young and with it. I exercise and eat healthy. I'm not about to give it all up for eating just anything. I do believe every once in awhile you have got to indulge in a few things so you don't feel deprived but.....once you eat healthy....I believe your choices change because you like it better and FEEL better! I'll hang in here as long as I possibly can!!

Since my youth, one of the main reasons for trying to keep my weight within the "healthy range" has been to increease the chances of living happily and healthily into "old age". It has really been my primary motivator.
Thanks to 50 years of attending Weight Watchers on and off (reaching goal at least four times!) and more recently greatly aided by Peertrainer, I am now 75, still working 7/10ths, and with the energy in my spare time to learn the piano, play in Recorder Ensembles, Orienteer, throw things at Masters Athletics, attend Tai Chi and the Gym, and walk the dog twice a day.
Yes, my house is a shambles...I divorced it long ago....and I am behind with correspondence, but I AM living happily, healthily, and optimistically into old age.
Come join me!
Hilary Weeks (doctor)

I think longevity has two components (at least). My Grandfather lived to be 92. He drank a quart of whiskey a week, smoked a pack of camels everyday and ate anything he wanted. Jack Lalanne live 4 years longer and did all the things you are supposed to do.

Genetics plays a major role in our longevity. While healthy living plays a role i think what Gil says also make alot of sense.

It's true, I see it in my own family, for many people life is not worth living if they have to give up smoking or drinking, or red meat, or if they have to exercise regularly. I have been making shifts, however, and all I can say is that the people who believe that they would rather live less long and enjoy themselves have never EVER felt what it feels like to be truly healthy and alive. Because if you have felt that feeling then you would not feel that way. Nothing feels better than vibrant health and well being. Nothing.

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