We just rolled out a new interview for the PEERtrainer Mastermind Program, in the form of a 20 page interview we recently did with JJ Virgin.
Because of the importance of the information she presented, we thought that it made sense to highlight a couple of the key points and share them with everyone in the PEERtrainer Community.
As you read these bullets you will see why we wanted to share them with you!
Food Sensitivities And How They Impact Weight Loss
- A food allergy is the person who if you open the peanuts on the plane, they go into anaphylactic shock. It's your mother‑in‑law eating lobster and getting hives. These are rare, and represent less than 1% of the population.
- Food sensitivities are not rare, from JJ's testing represents around 70% of the population. The worst part is that we usually think the symptoms are normal for us: gas, bloating, joint pain, fatigue, cravings, skin problems, can't lose weight.
- The problem is that they are hard to identify. Your energy might drop six hours later, you may break out the next day. It can be very hard to put this all together.
- There are many common food allergens. Gluten is not good for anybody because of how it damages the gut.
- When you reduce food allergens in the diet, it becomes easier to lose weight.
- Replacing the allergen causing foods is a big challenge. When you deal with this, it becomes much easier to follow an "elimination diet."
- According to JJ it is the combination of gluten, stress and toxins that are doing the most damage. What she does in her practice is help the gut heal, and then you can usually layer in some of the traditional allergens. (But leave the gluten out as much as you can.)
There is much more, and for those of you in the PEERtrainer Mastermind Program, you'll be sent this transcript in week six. This subject matter is a part of the "Stress Formula" that we talk about. There are many components to stress, and removing food allergens is a core part of it.
We thought that the 70% statistic would get attention. Now, this is from JJ's experience in her practice, but the point here is that you will likely benefit from reducing common food allergens.
What is interesting about her comments is that at PEERtrainer we have designed all our recipes, recipe guides and meal plans to leave out these allergens. For those of you who have The Magic Fridge or our Mastermind Quickstart Meal Plans- you'll find recipes that are 99% free of the common allergens!
I have Celiacs disease which is Gluten intolerance - not an allergy. When one has Celiacs the small intestine has a reaction which kills off the villi, thus it doesn't allow nutrients to be absorbed into the body - so most Celiacs have to take many supplements to get the needed about of nutrients. Celiacs is an autoimmune disorder with serious reaction to Gluten containing foods - to call it an "allergy" is misinformation.
Posted by: Susan C | August 18, 2011 at 11:18 AM