(PEERtrainer Note: This was an email that we sent out yesterday, and people LOVED it, so we made sure to put it in a blog post for easy access. And yes, we know that a lot of this stuff is "easier said than done"- but know that it is doable, and we are ALWAYS looking for real world ways to put this into action)
It is now common knowledge that increasing green vegetable intake helps to reduce food cravings over time. What is less known, (and this idea is still BITTERLY resisted by many in the "traditional" nutrition world) is that removing certain foods from your diet for a short period of time can yield tremendous benefits.
But we know that many people just don't believe this. In fact, the mom of a good friend of mine called her and asked if she had seen the JJ Virgin PBS special recently. Her mom said something to the effect of "she is totally full of it, no way this is true."
We are bringing this objection to the forefront here because for so many people this is 100% true for them. And for people who suffer from auto-immune conditions, the results from just BEING OPEN to this idea have been life altering.
Anyway, we just wanted to preface this discussion of food cravings so that you'd have a better understanding of why this is not something you have commonly heard!
Everyone has something going on here to SOME extent. A lot of the foods we commonly eat are not broken down well, ends up in the bloodstream often because of the compromised gut- and this creates reaction.
When you first pull this out, you are going to crave them. It only lasts 3-7 days. This is a GREAT thing. This is not like sugar or carb cravings- you can really "muscle through"
It is now common knowledge that increasing green vegetable intake helps to reduce food cravings over time. What is less known, (and this idea is still BITTERLY resisted by many in the "traditional" nutrition world) is that removing certain foods from your diet for a short period of time can yield tremendous benefits.
But we know that many people just don't believe this. In fact, the mom of a good friend of mine called her and asked if she had seen the JJ Virgin PBS special recently. Her mom said something to the effect of "she is totally full of it, no way this is true."
We are bringing this objection to the forefront here because for so many people this is 100% true for them. And for people who suffer from auto-immune conditions, the results from just BEING OPEN to this idea have been life altering.
Anyway, we just wanted to preface this discussion of food cravings so that you'd have a better understanding of why this is not something you have commonly heard!
This question was asked in a Q&A session, and we want to
make sure everyone processes the basic idea here:
"On a previous cleanse Q & A, JJ stated that the more we crave the highly inflammatory foods, the more we needed to stay away from it. For me, this is hands down PEANUTS!
What is happening chemically in our bodies that causes
this reaction and craving?"
Notes From The Answer:
In JJ's view, food reactions are a measure of the integrity of your small intestine.
Most of us end up with guts that are more permeable than we need to be.
They are designed to be "semi-permeable" but most of us end up with
guts that are more permeable than we need them to be.
For example, gluten and stress open up the gut. Medications do a
number on the gut- lots of things impair the gut. Not enough healthy gut
bacteria is also a biggie.
Everyone has something going on here to SOME extent. A lot of the foods we commonly eat are not broken down well, ends up in the bloodstream often because of the compromised gut- and this creates reaction.
It is important to note that for most people this builds up very slowly. Starts low grade, and grows from there.
Then you jump into something like the PEERtrainer Fresh Start
Cleanse, and you get a little cranky for the first couple days, when you
first remove these.
The analogy is like a "drunk guy at a singles bar waiting for a
woman to show up. She's not there and he's getting mad"- these
antibiodies want those foods- they are waiting for them. So the
cravings happen. These antibodies need something to do, which creates
that craving.
When you first pull this out, you are going to crave them. It only lasts 3-7 days. This is a GREAT thing. This is not like sugar or carb cravings- you can really "muscle through"
this and get some distance.
Important Note:
Dairy and Gluten in particular- have a drug like effect on the brain that creates cravings. JJ does not have cravings- people just don't believe her.
But when you pull out these foods like dairy and gluten, the cravings simply go away.
And then, with some distance, these foods often don't taste good any more!! This is a HUGE long term benefit. People are often shocked when they get some distance, and then go back.
And then, with some distance, these foods often don't taste good any more!! This is a HUGE long term benefit. People are often shocked when they get some distance, and then go back.
You have to realize that when you are craving gluten and cheese, this is a real "druggie like" feeling.
We are seeing with people who have emotional eating patterns, this removal really can mix up this pattern.
We kick ourselves in the butts about discipline and willpower, but really have no idea about how many of these foods out there are really designed to trigger these cravings.
We kick ourselves in the butts about discipline and willpower, but really have no idea about how many of these foods out there are really designed to trigger these cravings.
JJ gives an example about McDonald's French Fries- they have gluten coating on them which turns them into what she calls "little drug sticks." This is part of the reason that those fries are so satisfying, is that they give you this "hit" which cures your gluten cravings.
Apply this one example to the entire food industry- there is a reason that gluten is hidden in so many foods.
Sugar, carb and hunger cravings are a slightly different animal. This is where a supplement like the Metabolic Booster Pack can come in, and really help, especially
with after dinner cravings.
But you really have to address the underlying dietary issues first, pulling out
the reactive foods, adding in the green, cruciferous and sulfur containing veggies"
(PEERtrainer Note: We have a one day sale running on the Metabolic Booster Pack right now, 20% off for this very popular pack)
We have more questions we are breaking out for easy consumption like this.
The next Cleanse Starts January 2nd, and you can get started
on the pre-cleanse process right now.
Classes are held at 12pm PST (3pm EST) and you will receive dial in
info. If you can't attend the class via conference, you will receive
the class via email for you to listen at your convenience.
info. If you can't attend the class via conference, you will receive
the class via email for you to listen at your convenience.
We are also launching a new hypnosis program shortly that will be
sold through the PEERtrainer Shop. This program will be offered
as a free bonus to new members of the Cleanse.
For those of you who have been through the program and want
any support packs, you can get them in the Shop:
For those of you not familiar with the basics and the why
of cleanses, this page teaches you everything you need to
do and not do:
PS: If you want any particular shake flavor combination or
product combination make sure to email us and we will
create that for you and put it in the shop.