Someone in the PEERtrainer community pointed out a quote from Dr. Oz that left them confused. He had said that nutritionally, there is not much difference between grass-fed beef and grain-fed beef.
We asked Brian to take a look at this question and look at the science. Here is what he found:
"What a strange thing for Dr. Oz to say... it's not as if there is a lack
of evidence, or even contradictory evidence as can sometimes be seen in
organic vs. conventional studies.
As far as I'm aware, there has never
been a single study demonstrating that grass-fed beef has a similar
nutritional profile to grain-fed beef.
Even those who support grain-fed
beef will admit that grass-fed beef is leaner, as the reason we feed
grain to cattle in the first place is because it fattens them up so well
and causes marbling (the fat invades the muscle).
Here are two (roughly) 4 oz. steaks (actually 100 grams), one grain-fed, the second grass-fed:
Grain-Fed Sirloin Strip:
Total Fat: 11 grams Saturated Fat: 4 grams
Protein: 21 grams
Total Calories: 189
Calories from Fat: 100
Percentage Fat by Calories: 53%
Percentage Protein by Calories: 44%
Grass-Fed Sirloin Strip:
Total Fat: 3 grams
Saturated Fat: 1 gram
Protein: 23 grams
Total Calories: 117
Calories from Fat: 24
Percentage Fat by Calories: 21%
Percentage Protein by Calories: 79%
Total Fat Difference Between the Steaks: 8 grams
Total Sat. Fat Difference: 3 grams
Total Caloric Difference: 72 calories
in mind that the average person probably eats more than 4 oz. of steak,
the difference only gets magnified as more gets consumed.
This isn't even touching the subject of differences between the
fats. The grass-fed fat will have a much healthier profile--more
omega-3s--than grain-fed, which will be very low in omega-3s and higher
in the types of saturated fat which affect cholesterol.
The saturated
fat in grass-fed is mostly "stearic acid", which doesn't cause
cholesterol to increase. There is much more palmitic acid in grain-fed
beef, the saturated fat which does increase serum cholesterol.
I want to make a really quick but important point to help
set the expectations of those of you working on the hormone
side of your health journey.
And that is- it takes a little longer to see a result. With the
Cleanse, the average person experiences a concrete
result within a certain amount of time. When you average
the people who don't get an immediate result with the people
who knock the lights out, the average loss is around 5 pounds
during a 2-3 week period.
And people who get back On Track with the protocol
that they know works, they also start to drop again.
Pretty consistent process. When it comes to the hormonal
side of the equation, this is a totally different animal. The
feedback we have been getting from people who have
really dug in and applied the principles of the Gottfried
protocol has been stunning- life changing stuff.
But you have to dig in, read the PDF's we have put together,
get a copy of Sara's new book. We know how frustrating
it can be to experience the symptoms Sara addresses and
not get that fast result like you can in weight loss. But stick
with it, and we are going to really be digging into this for
And be open to our approach of combining things. The more
ideas you are open to, the more success you are going to
have. Here is an email we got yesterday:
"Good morning. I'm into week 2 of the cleanse and week 3 (of PoNR). I've lost about 12 pounds, my energy level is much higher, my skin is noticeably better, and the joint pain in my knee and hip is much improved. My blood pressure has also improved greatly...from about 150/90 to 132/88. I couldn't ask for a better result."
Again, high end of the range. But this is what is possible.
One tip we have for the whole "hormone" area of things is
to really commit to the cortisol part of the equation. Sara says
over and over that "all roads lead back to cortisol" so really
dig in and know that there is a pretty clear roadmap you can
put yourself on for fighting the cortisol beast!
If you order the book in the next 7 hours, and choose one day shipping
you can have the book in your hands tomorrow!
This book is important because it represents the most comprehensive
guide to female hormones ever. We have had a copy for a month now,
and I can promise you that you will want this book on your bookshelf!
Sara Gottfried and I created a free webinar that teaches you
how to manage the 3 most important hormones for women.
You can watch it right here, and we also published a transcript
so you can read easily if you can't watch it. And the guys
in the audience- this will interest you. If you guys can have a
little more understanding into "why we may act the way we
do (sometimes)", maybe the world wil be a better place?
The Stress Reduction Cocktail? Yes, Watch This!!
The Hormone Reset Program
Sara's new book, The Hormone Cure, was recently published and hit the NY Times Best Seller list. For those of you who want to take action on this webinar, we are offering the PEERtrainer Hormone Reset Program deeply discounted
from $95 to $15.
This book is important because it represents the most comprehensive
guide to female hormones ever. We have had a copy for a month now,
and I can promise you that you will want this book on your bookshelf!
Once you get the book, go to this page to get the full program:
We are analyzing the first responses to the PEERtrainer
Success Index, and the results are fascinating. We are
seeing pretty clearly the habits of people who score
higher on the index, compared to those who score lower.
One thing we are seeing that we can share with you
right now (and we will be sharing more and more)
is that people who shift away from "traditional" breakfast
foods of yogurt, oatmeal, cereal and skim milk see
their success explode.
The people who are scoring highest on the success
index (in the mid 80's) have generally eliminated all
dairy from their breakfast- even among people who
indicate that dairy is one of their favorite foods.
These people are shifting towards coconut milk and
almond milk as a source of protein, as well as eggs
mixed with tons of veggies and greens.
Tons of people have made the shift away from whey
and soy shakes, and are doing various pea/rice and pea/potato
combos that are high in the nutrient dense foods
that Dr. Fuhrman has help popularize. In fact, this
Chocolate Decadence shake recipe was one that
someone who lost 60 pounds in the last 6 months
credited with helping them develop this great habit.
(Read Her Success Story Here)
We also know that a lot of people who are scoring
lower have a higher resistance to trying new things.
This makes a ton of sense, because if you have not
experienced a result, it is hard for you to believe it
is possible!
If you have not gotten your number, you can do that
right here. The great thing we are seeing is that once
you start to experience the level of success that people
scoring in the 80's are, you become addicted to the
things that make you successful!
A long time PEERtrainer family member, Ricki, made
that comment about becoming addicted to success.
It is possible!
PS: We are running a $50 coupon for our cleanse that
starts March 15th. The code is MARCH50 and it is
good for any of the program options on this page:
You have GOT to read this. On October 5th, 2012, we posted a comment from someone who had lost 15 pounds in one month. The same person posted a comment in the PEERtrainer Cleanse team on February 24th, and upped her loss to 60 pounds! This is really an amazing accomplishment!
"Hi everyone! I'm so happy to have a group of enthusiastic cleansers
posting again. Hopefully this is not too long winded but I want to share
my story with you. I started the PEERtrainer cleanse this past Sept
after vacillating for almost a full year debating my ability to commit
and truly make a change. You see I had reached a weight of 287 lbs at my
heaviest and my health was failing fast. Broken bones and impossibly
painful knees and hips were a great excuse for why I was so sedentary. I
mean who could fault me for getting fat? I couldn't do anything about
it, right? Medication was prescribed for one problem which then led to
another to help with those side effects then another for something else
that popped up.
Okay, I had to get off that merry-go-round but how. Where do I start? It
felt like an insurmountable hill to climb. I think I was slowly killing
my self with negativity and comfort food. I watched the videos with
Jackie and JJ explaining what this cleanse could do and I wanted so
badly to believe I could change where I was in my life. Everyday I was
taking prescription drugs for high blood pressure, inflammation,
depression and recently added problem of a heart condition.
I wrote to the PEERtrainer cleanse team and asked if someone could help
me with an explanation of all of the detox supplements, pea/rice protein
shake and changes that I would have to make in my food decisions. I
worried that some of these elements would be a problem with all the
pills I was taking everyday. I wanted to bring this information to my
doctor to see if it was something I could do given all the added crap I
was swallowing in the form of "medicine" every day.
PEERtrainer team member, Brian got back to me almost immediately with a
complete breakdown of everything I would be ingesting if I went "all in"
and did the shakes and support packs. I like to think of Brian as my
guiding light on this path and I never fail to read his columns when
they get posted on the site.
Armed with this information I spoke with my doctor to ask if this change
would affect all of the meds I was taking. You know what she said?
"Christina, at this point anything you do to improve your situation is a
positive thing". Okay I decided, "I'm going to do this".
Do I jump in and spend $95 for the 2 week course or do I really commit
and order the whole package. It was a big investment that I was hoping
(but not really expecting) would help me get my life back on track. I
ordered the shakes, detox pack and medibulk.
We still had several days before the course started and I followed JJ's
advice and cleaned out my cupboards and refrigerator. It's really
amazing to see the pile of crap (yes, crap) I had on hand. Out it went!
I have no kids to feed so I know this may be harder for many of you but
just make sure the things you hang on to are for them and not you.
Yippie my package from Thorne arrived, my refrigerator was stocked with
coconut milk, spinach veggies and berries. All of it was organic. We
still had a day before the cleanse started but I decided to go ahead and
mix up a shake, it smelled yummy and chocolate. Okay, it's mixed and I
taste it. S___ I hated the taste. I looked at my husband and he looked
back at me and rolled his eyes as if to say "you really didn't think you
were going to do this did you?"
I've now invested a big chunk into my new eating plan and I have to make
it work. It's just 14 days I can do anything for 14 days, right? With
each shake that I mixed I refined the ingredients until I got to the
combination posted here in PEERtrainer as chocolate decadence. Yup! I'm
that chocoholic.
2 days in and I was feeling the affects of detoxing. You will hear more
about this as you move through the course. On day 4 I got on the scale
and was down 3 lbs! Never have I lost weight that quickly. The team
members were very helpful and you should take full advantage of the
support you get with this program.
By the beginning of week 2 I could feel the waistbands getting looser
and the puffiness in my face was going down. There also seemed to be a
remarkable decrease in the inflammation I normally lived with and my
daily bouts of heartburn disappeared. I have not had heartburn since
Sept 10th when I started the cleanse. Seriously.
Committing financially by getting the whole detox kit really helped
during week 1 when those shakes didn't taste like dessert and my dinner
consisted of green, green and more green stuff. The improvement in my
health and the super fast weight loss in week 2 helped reinforce my
decision to stick with it when it would have been so easy to tell myself
I would try again at another time.
This is my time! I have dropped a total of 60lbs (yes really solid 60
lbs)! I actually felt so much more confidence that I went out to
celebrate New Years for the first time in 5 years. All of my clothes,
the fat wardrobe and the skinny closet, have become too big for me. I
don't want to buy more right now because I still have another 50 lbs to
come off. I did buy a belt though and that keeps my pants up :)) I have
also begun to shop and try on clothes in stores that I would never have
even walked into because they would not have anything in my size.
The most amazing change of all for me has been in my health. I no longer
require blood pressure medication, anti-inflammatory meds and decreased
the levels of depression medication I need. During a visit to my doctor
in November the nurse was so influenced by my improvements that she
signed up for a cleanse and has begun dropping pounds as well.
With these improvements I am finally in a position where I can exercise.
I actually like it and do plenty of research on the PEERtrainer into
what works and what doesn't. I used to hear people say "I just love to
do a workout, it makes me feel so much better" and roll my eyes thinking
"yeah, right!".
So... I will stop talking now but I want to leave you with one thought.
If you are thinking to yourself "I have so far to go I'll never get
there" STOP! Take it from someone who has actually been there. Commit to
the 14 days, go all in and you will see a big change. For the better!
It's been 6 months and I can't tell you where I'll be in another 6
months but I can say I won't be 280 pounds living stuck inside my house
hoping I don't have to see people who will look at me with pity in their
eyes. I'm alive and feeling better then I have since I was 18 going on
30 :))
If you are still on the fence or have a friend that is not quite sure I
would be happy to share my thoughts. Set up your "Magic fridge" and
enjoy the changes you will soon experience. Congratulations on your new
flash2, 2/24/2013 4:54:01 PM"
We are giving away the entire first half of a new program
we have just launched at PEERtainer called "Train Your Brain To Think Thin."
This program was created by Joshua Wayne who is the co-creator of the PEERtrainer Point Of No Return Program. This program giveaway includes sessions that involve both motivation and an introduction to hypnosis. You can get immediate access to this program by entering your email in the form at the bottom of this post.
When you enter your email, links to the first 6 segments of the program will be sent to you. You will also be sent to a page where you can immediately download the segments.
What You'll Get:
In Part 1 of "Train Your Brain To Think Thin" you will get a coaching session that teaches you to set goals that you cannot fail at. For most people, this is a critical missing piece of the puzzle.
In Part 2 you will learn how to reinforce positive behaviors to make them permanent. When it comes to using hypnosis as a tool, one thing that you will learn is that you have a choice with what you do with your mind and body.
This might sound obvious, but the vast majority of us, no matter how motivated we are, find ourselves falling into behavior patterns where our minds go on "autopilot." Hypnosis is there for you to control yourself. (It is not someone else controlling you!)
At a practical level, hypnosis is simply a practical and proven tool to help you learn new behaviors.
In Part 3, if you are comfortable with what you learned in parts 1 and 2, you'll then start your first session, which is titled "How To Get The Motivation To Succeed." We just launched this to members of the new PEERtrainer On Track program and the response has been GREAT. So dive in and enjoy:
Update: We are offering the full program for 1/2 off the $48 price. ($24) You cannot get a higher quality program for the price. Great Deal!!