I want to run something by you, and see if this describes you in any way. We often see a weird phenomenon of people who are very accomplished in other areas of their life. PhDs, MDs, corporate executives, busy moms, former athletes-- people very familiar with what it takes to succeed.
Yet for some reason they have not made the simple shift in their head that doing the work to lose weight permanently and become healthy is something that takes the same level of focus that you used to succeed in other areas of your life.
We got a very interesting comment from someone after we first came up with this idea. This person said that this phenomenon described her exactly. She added that "I suspect that in some way I don't want to admit to myself that getting my health in order is in some way equal to the magnitude or importance of getting my PhD."
What area of your life have you done well in? When it comes to weight and health, people experience a great deal of frustration and real bouts of hopelessness. Yet most of us understand what hard work is, and we have experienced being successful by creating a goal, creating a plan to get to that goal, and doing it. You know what this looks like and feels like. It is just work, it is not magic, and it does not need to create frustration.
It is just work!!
One resource that you might want to start today (it is half off and 100% refundable so there is NO RISK to you) is the PEERtrainer Point of No Return Program. This program is designed for people who feel as if "They know HOW to lose weight, but need help following through."
The truth behind this program is that it uses some very advanced brain programming techniques. The program walks you through a series of strategies that basically change how you think. Unlike our Cleanse, this program does not have a repeatable result, like losing 5 pounds in 2-3 weeks.
What is does offer is the chance to change how you think about food for the rest of your life, and give you a ton more power. It will help you feel more fully in control, and help you make better decisions. Or you get every penny of your $38.50 back, which is the price of a nice lunch for one. Learn More Right Here
Point Of No Return, combined with the Cleanse has been the combo that has put people on the path of incredible success. Long term success. If you have done the Cleanse, start Point of No Return right now. And if you have not tried either one, you are missing out and should start right now. In fact, we have a new Cleanse starting February 25th.
New Coupon, New Cleanse Date!!
We have our next Cleanse gearing up for a Feb 25th start date. New people can learn more here.
We are also bringing our a HEART20 coupon code to a close. This will get you 20% off all the shakes, fiber and detox packs you need. Use it right now!