This article explains how your stomach works. This might be interesting even if you don't have any stomach issues. We sent an email earlier this week explaining how an engineer we know well (he was at our house yesterday) solved his own serious stomach issues that no doctor could fix.
==>Maybe you experience some burping after meals. Or low energy, heaviness after eating. Especially after eating certain foods.
These are all powerful indicators of a condition that affects up to 30% of the population.
It all starts in our gut. Our digestion that is.
The most important controller of digestion is the pH of the stomach. How acidic or alkaline your food gets once it’s in the stomach will become the “Set Point” for the rest of your digestion of that meal.
If this “Set Point” is off… everything becomes harder.
Or impossible to function correctly.
If the stomach is too acidic the body tends to move it too fast, if too alkaline it goes too slow.
Here’s why…
The pH of the stomach not only is the “Set Point” for all kinds of digestive communications but it's also the trigger of something called Peristalsis.
Peristalsis is best remembered as the digestive contractions that move food all the way down to the toilet.
If the pH in the stomach is too acidic, the digestive communications are like frantic screaming and the Peristalsis tends to be too fast.
Symptoms of this typically include: loose stools, undigested foods, diarrhea, and cramping.
If the pH in the stomach is too alkaline, the communication is like a lot of yawning and whispering and then Peristalsis tends to be slooow.
Symptoms of this typically include: burping, heaviness, gas, bloating, and constipation.
Everyone is different and so is every meal
Now, each meal we eat is different… and so the stomach has to work hard to create the correct pH no matter is eaten… be it a bowl of salad and chicken or a meal of steak and broccoli.
Normally the stomach which is an amazing organ… will figure it out.
But more often than we’d like to admit… it struggles.
And we experience just one of the symptoms above like burping, or sometimes even all of them.
Why the Stomach Struggles
The stomach is like strong-sensitive type person.
It’s strong enough to breakdown a Thanksgiving dinner, but sensitive enough to fast for days on end without issues.
But to be this sensitive means it’s constantly responding to our emotional states, mental stresses, hormone status (the time of the month), nutrients and also yes… our age.
And the truth is… all strong people tend to get tried at some point.
Research shows our stomachs are no different… starting at age 40 stomach acid production begins to decline. And it gets worse with each decade.
When this happens we begin to make less acid… causing our pH to be alkaline.
We slowly begin to absorb less and less of the nutrients of our foods…
Less proteins are absorbed (amino acids lost - muscle and mood issues)
Less B12 is absorbed (lowered energy and nerve issues)
Less Minerals (calcium, magnesium lost - bones problems.)
And much more… the point is that 2-3 times a day someone with low stomach acid is wasting possibly a big chuck of the nutrients in their food…
Not to mention they could easily be suffering with annoying digestive complaints like burping, heaviness, low energy, bloating, or constipation.
Luckily There’s a Simple Fix
All we have to do is replace the lost stomach acid and encourage it work better.
You can take a specific type of supplement 1-6 pills per meal depending on how low your acid is…
And like a light switch turning off. The results can be dramatic.
When you find your correct number of pills the digestive complaints could turn off completely or at least get much less annoying.
You’ll also begin increasing your nutrient absorption… which overtime should help with energy, moods, and recovery.
And depending on your body… you might be able to retrain your stomach how to work properly and you’ll slowly need less and less support.
Till one day you don’t take any pills at meals.
(Disclaimer: results vary, not typical, but it does happen)
The trick is to make sure you do it with a product that contains a full stomach acid support.
See stomach acid juice is made up of many things but the top 3 components that science has isolated so far are HCL acid, protein enzyme pepsin, and B12 absorber intrinsic factor.
This means if you take a stomach acid support supplement the ingredients should read: betaine hcl, pepsin, and intrinsic factors.
However, our friends Steven and Jordan have over 10 years of digestive specialization and they noticed that if you went one step further and supported the tired stomach cells and muscles… the stomach support worked even better.
Which meant often less pills were needed per meal...
So they built a product that also contains Ginger and DGL. These powerful ingredients help peristalsis happen correctly and support healthy stomach cells.
You can get a $10 OFF discount on there amazing product here.
PS: This product/solution works for around 85-90% of people. There are no guarantees, but this is a fantastic thing to try. They offer a total guarantee- so this works for you or you don't pay. Learn more here.
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