At 2pm today I will be holding a conference call with Stu Mittleman. The call information is below. Stu will be responding to many of the most frequently asked questions that he was sent by PEERtrainer members. Those questions are also below.
If you have not signed up for the free 7 day running course, you can still do so right here:
Btw if you have signed up before but not gotten the emails, please send an email to [email protected]. Someone over there will manually send the videos to you!
List of questions covered in this call
1. Will running help me lose fat, belly fat?
2. Will I ever enjoy running? I like the high it gives me, but I always seem to get side cramps. How can I avoid getting cramps?
3. How do I get started if I haven't ran in a long time, or if I don't have a regular exercise routine of any kind before?
4. How can I make it fun - not a dreadful experience! and make it more enjoyable?
5. How do I minimize skeletal and muscle strain in my legs and back while running?
6. How do you prevent injury and pain?
7. How do you stay motivated to keep running and finish?
8. How do I build stamina
Call Details
Title: Stu Mittleman - Marathon Mastery Time: October 18th @ 2:00 pm PST Listening method: Phone Only Call in #: (712) 432-1001 Access Code: 434-589-533#
By the way, if for some reason you not able to get on the call live, because the lines are packed or some other reason, don't worry the call will be recorded and will be available within 24 hours after the "Live" call.
PS: Facebook has been a great way for us to understand that some people were not getting the emails. If you are a Facebook user PLEASE feel free to use our wall and comments to ask questions: