I recently came across an article in Reader Digest called 'The Simple Till Six Weight Loss Diet" written by Mark Bittman. Mark is a food journalist and author who has a weekly column in the New York Times, appears on TV frequently. Like many of us, he has recently come to the conclusion that something has gone horribly wrong with the way most American's eat.
The Simple Till Six Weight Loss Diet:
His diet is based on the simple observation that vegetables in extremely high quantities are extremely good for us. Anyone who has read our articles on the work of Dr. Joel Fuhrman over the years understands the science behind why this is the case.
The strategy behind Mark Bittman's approach to dieting is a "vegan till six pm" one. This of course is more excellent advice. If you do this, most of your weight and health problems will go away.
The thing that drives me nuts about advice like this is that most people have no idea how impossibly busy our lives are. OF COURSE we should all be eating these diets high in greens with a wide variety of vegetables, supplemented with grains with names we can barely pronounce. (What percentage of people can correctly pronounce the word Quinoa? More than 2?)
This has become the focus of a lot of my work with PEERtrainer. My mission is to take the advice and turn it into something that is doable in the context of the way we really live. I have recently developed an an approach that I use in my own home that I call "The Magic Kitchen." It is very effective in helping me stay on plan. I can have two days where life hits me, and then I can get right back on track and minimize the damage almost instantly.
The Magic Fridge also allows me to fend off the insane man hunger cravings of my husband. He has been transitioning from a diet high in meat, ice cream, beer and pastries. Even though he knows how to eat healthy, when the hunger kicks his thoughts default to the old way of eating. Hunger equals meat. However, with the Magic Fridge approach, I can quickly whip something up that truly satisfies him.
I have created a longer article on the PEERtrainer website that outlines this approach. Click here to keep reading.