Doing South Beach And Weight Watchers Together- What A Doctor Often Recommends - PEERtrainer

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January 05, 2009


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"In fact there was inflation—asset-price inflation, the assets being houses and common stock, and at times oil and other commodities.

Manipulation of commodities prices? See Mr. Buffett and silver. A bit more involved than interest rates and money supply, no?"

I will say this: I was on the South Beach Diet 5 years ago. At the time, my total cholesterol was 250-something; my triglycerides were 534, and my LDL was around 200. After 5 weeks on the SBD, my total cholesterol was under 200, my triglycerides were under 150, and my bad cholesterol was lower, although I can't remember the exact number.

I've also tried WeightWatchers -- very recently, in fact. Because of the type of person I am, SBD works better for me. Some things just need to be off limits for me. If you tell me I can eat anything I want, just in a good portion, chances are, I'll eat anything I want, but won't stop at a good portion, especially if I'm stressing.

I HAVE follow the ww few years ago..
i don't really like it. bored...

i should try the south beach diet, it should be fun..

First I want to give a greeting to all readers, I am very glad I had the wonderful opportunity to find an article so interesting is a pride for us writers and book lovers to say that there are still people who passionate about writing great articles, thank you very much.

It is a pleasure to greet all readers, my name is Richard, I practice surfing since age 13, all the things I love about the beach, I love the sun and sand all the elements that form the beautiful beach, was a pleasure for me to have read this article so interesting, I hope that every day I have something very interesting to read.
I loved the pictures!

I was very successful two years ago with WW (losing 30 lbs in 6 months) but gained it all back by reverting to my old ways / protion sizes. I just started South Beach 3 days ago and see what you mean about this diet helping you make healthier choices. I think that after Phase 1 of South Beach I will do a SoBe/WW hybrid diet and - like Joanne - keep my points under 21 (3 points below my daily allowance) by continuing to eat more vegetables and whole grains. I'll be interested to hear what is said about the Momentum plan.

Yes, I've had success in the past with combining SBD & WW. I'd keep my points under 21 and eat mostly vegetables. I did eat some carbs but mostly whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, and other healthy carbs. I was pretty successful at losing the weight. The only problem is I've since gained some weight back, and now I can't seem to get myself back on that regimen.

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